Caroline Lancelot Miltgen


Audencia Business School, Nantes, France

Professor of Marketing

Dr Caroline Lancelot Miltgen (PhD, 2006) is Full Professor in Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in an elite French Business School. Her research deals with the psychological, behavioral and societal aspects of privacy, with a specific focus on citizens and consumers as users of technology. In particular, she is studying how the collection and/or the use of personal data is perceived by consumers /users /citizens) and how it can affect their (need for) privacy. More generally, she is interested in all aspects dealing with privacy, security, technology, surveillance and AI. She has published more than 30 academic articles and book chapters in top academic outlets and is a speaker at international academic and industry conferences on privacy-related topics.

In 2010, she obtained a special Award from the CNIL (French Data Protection Office) for her PhD dissertation on privacy. She regularly conducts SSH analysis and is expert in the human aspects in Security and ICT EU-funded R&D projects. She has been the principal investigator of several research grants funded by the European Commission (EC) and dedicated to privacy, electronic identification systems and personal data management. She is also an independent SSH Expert for the EC, serving as an Expert Evaluator since 2014. She also teach privacy courses to postgraduate students.


Contributions by Caroline Lancelot Miltgen

  • Perfecting Privacy: How To Increase Consumer Trust in the Golden Age of Data
    Speaker at IAPP Global Privacy Summit 2023
  • Member of Research Advisory Board 2022 - 2023